Faster, Easier, Better Restorations
Product Details
This is a recording of our live course from January 4, 2025.
Gordon Christensen shares materials, procedures, technologies, and concepts for a more efficient practice. Included topics are:
- Reducing practice costs significantly.
- Identifying research-supported quality products at less cost.
- Increasing expanded staff functions.
- Making fixed prosthodontics, operative, pediatric, and preventive dentistry faster, easier, better, and less expensive.
- Identifying the best products and techniques in each area.
On completion of this course attendees will be able to:
- Identify materials, devices, technologies that are faster, easier, better, and less expensive.
- Determine which concepts relate to your practice.
- Discuss with your team how to implement these changes.
- Integrate the desired concepts into your practice.
Item #: X3571
CE Credits: