Occlusion and Complex Restorative Dentistry

Instructor: Gordon J. Christensen, DDS, MSD, PhD
Do you have patients with complex rehabilitative needs, and you wonder if you are the practitioner to treat them? Gordon can help you feel confident in your treatment choices!
Join Gordon and experienced PCC Mentors for our most comprehensive course and learn:
- Integrating fixed, removable, and implant prosthodontic procedures with other clinical areas.
- Increasing your knowledge in occlusion to provide longer-lasting, comfortable treatment.
- Restoring implants with confidence you haven’t placed yourself.
- The best restorations for implants.
- The best materials, devices, and techniques for single teeth to full arches.
- Long-term preventive maintenance for complex patients.
- Providing long-term occlusal maintenance through the stages of life.
- When to refer treatment to other practitioners.
Many patients have extensive oral rehabilitative needs, but do not have financial wherewithal for a total rehabilitation at one time. Gordon shares how to best accomplish incremental treatment, spread over several years, at a cost most average-income patients can afford.
As a special feature of this course, we encourage attendees to bring radiographs and casts for 1-2 of your patients for whom you are planning comprehensive oral rehabilitative procedures. These cases will be observed, discussed, and potential treatment plans presented by Gordon and PCC Mentors.
At the end of this course, past participants have expressed pleasure in their increased knowledge and are enthusiastic about treating complex cases!
13 CE Hours
April 11-12, 2025 (Friday, Saturday)
$2,500 / Dentist $950 / Auxiliary
Location: Provo, Utah
Day 1: 8:00am - 5:00pm - Lunch at noon (1/2 hour)
Day 2: 7:30am - 1pm - Brunch at 10am (1/2 hour)
At the completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- List and compare multiple treatment plans for complex cases requiring any or all areas of dentistry
- List the steps in typical treatment plans for various treatment alternatives
- Discuss and compare treatment plans with and without implants
- Determine when to refer patients for necessary specialty treatment
- Discuss accomplishing complex treatment over a period of years to maximize third-party benefits
- Discuss differences in planning and treatment for complex cases vs. single tooth restorations relative to periodontal status, attitudes about dental therapy, occlusion, articulators, build-up concepts, posts and cores, tooth preparations, metals, ceramics, cements, preventive concepts, and long-term follow-up
- List the characteristics of adequate informed consent
- Discuss ways to increase patient acceptance of treatment plans
- Discuss tooth preparations for complex cases
- Compare implant types for typical complex cases
- Discuss use of implants for single tooth restorations, multiple tooth restorations, and implants combined with natural teeth
- Discuss use of implants with removable partial and complete dentures
- Discuss when to use small-diameter implants vs. conventional or wide-body implants
- Discuss the influence on treatment plans caused by clenching, bruxism, primary and secondary occlusal trauma, abfractions, and TMD
- Discuss practice management concepts related to complex dentistry
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