CE Tests
ONLINE: Login or create an account on www.pccdental.com and select “My CE Tests” from the left-side menu. Click on the video title to take the test online. RESULTS ARE IMMEDIATE. For step-by-step written instructions, click here. To watch a video tutorial, click here. Missing the test or want to add an additional person to take a test? Contact us at 800-223-6569 during our business hours of 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. MST (Mon-Fri) , and we will be able to assist you.
PRINT: Download and print a .pdf copy of your test by finding your video title from the list below and clicking its link. Follow the instructions, take the test and return it to PCC with any applicable fees (indicated on the test). Please allow 2-3 weeks for your test results.
For each video purchased, one complimentary test is included. If you require CE tests for staff members or additional doctors to receive credit, the fee is $35/person per test. If more than 10 CE tests are required per video, please contact PCC at (800) 223-6569.
We offer two ways to take the test
Download / Print Copies of CE Tests Below:
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
SKU | Test Title |
V1136 | Efficient Diagnostic Data Collection by Auxiliaries |
S1147 | Optimizing Use of Cone Beam Radiology |
V1119 | Optimizing Digital Radiography - Solving Challenges |
Esthetic Dentistry
SKU | Test Title |
V1570 | Botox and Dermal Fillers in Dentistry |
V1559 | Direct Resin Veneers - A Great Practice Builder! |
V1572 | Onlays vs. Crowns |
V1571 | Ceramic Veneers, State-of-the-Art |
X1558 | Esthetic Dentistry Has Changed - Have You? |
Implant Dentistry
Infection Control
SKU | Test Title |
V2452 | Infection Control for Every Dental Practice |
X2455 | Infection Control for TODAY! |
Operative and Pediatric Dentistry
Oral Medicine
Oral Surgery
SKU | Test Title |
V6306 | Practical Orthodontic Procedures for General Dentists |
S6361 | Bringing Clear Aligners into Your Practice |
Practice Administration and Dental Assisting
Preventive Dentistry
SKU | Test Title |
V5120 | Making Dental Caries Prevention a Win-Win Concept |
V5143 | Sealants & Preventive Resin Restorations - When & How |
V5165 | Customized Mouthguards for Any Sport |